
The Barefoot Bowls Blog

Blogs written by bowlers, for bowls clubs.

We’re bowlers and have run clubs before. So, here are a few things we picked up along the way.

Know Your Value as a Venue

Know Your Value as a Venue

You’re Not “Just a Bowling Club” Bowling clubs hold a unique sense of value. They represent a feeling of community and history with names and flags that dress the walls, there aren’t many places like it. Clubhouses come in sizes big and small. Some are modern and others are old. Within the walls of a

The Perfect Barefoot Bowls Tutorial for Clubs

The Perfect Barefoot Bowls Tutorial for Clubs

The Perfect Bowls Tutorial to give Barefoot Bowlers. Bowls tutorials are a crucial, yet often a miscalculated step by bowling clubs. When people come to your club as part of an event or a barefoot bowls party, there is a high change that a majority of them have not bowled before. Us as bowlers, can

Run Multiple Functions to Capitalise on Enquiries

Run Multiple Functions to Capitalise on Enquiries

Allocate Your Function Spaces Running multiple functions on one day, simultaneously, is something that must be mastered. It’s not only good for business, it also creates an intoxicating atmosphere for your guests. Doing this successfully is all about allocating your function spaces clearly. You might be thinking ropes or cordoning off areas, some spaces made

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